The Mount Tabor MarketPlace Secretariat is the central ministry agency mandated to provide administrate and communicative oversight for the work of all of The 12 Commissions. Led by Dr. Kenneth Romer and assisted by Deputy Patricia-Ann Cleare,  The Secretariat serves as the critical link that translates the corporate mission of the Ministry into meaningful and relevant forms for delivery to both internal and external stakeholders. 

With its office located in The Mount Tabor Church Administration Complex, Nassau they are the central guardians who keep a daily focus and accountability on the transgenerational transformative agenda to “Do the work of the Church” versus just doing “Church Work”.



Dr. Kenneth Romer:,

Deputy Patricia-Ann Cleare:


The Secretariat’s 2020 Goals are:

  1. 1. Establishing a virtual Resource Centre to allow ongoing access to information from various Commission segments.
  2. 2. Hosting one (1) virtual engagement session per month for various segments of The Commissions. The sessions will be blends between Talks and Trainings
  3. 3. Assist in the Management/Hosting two (2) Commission-Wide International symposiums/Virtual Conferences per year. 
  4. 4. Facilitating ongoing training for Commission Members on the theology and philosophy around Marketplace Ministry and also virtual engagement.
  5. 5. Hosting two (2) Virtual Outreach and Information Sharing Sessions in partnership with External Stakeholders, such as BASICS.
  6. 6. Contributing one (1) article per month on MarketPlace Activities and Updates to be posted in Virtual Congregation Press Room and dissented through social, print or electronic media platforms.
  7. 7. Providing oversight for the sustained virtual 6-12 month campaigns to support approved initiatives.