Pastor Jevon Neely grew up at the historic Bethel Baptist Church. He was saved on Sunday, October 16th, 1994 at Bethel, after hearing a sermon by a guest preacher, the late Rev. Dr. Charles Smith, former Pastor of Zion Baptist Church, East and Shirley Streets.
In 1996, Neely graduated from Saint Augustine’s College. In 1997, he enrolled at Williams Baptist College, College City, Arkansas, where he graduated in 2001 with a B.A. in Christian Ministries and a minor in Psychology. Also in 2001, he was inducted into Psi Chi, the National Honor Society for Psychology.
Pastor Neely was ordained to the sacred gospel ministry on July 18th, 2004 by the Bethel Baptist Association. In 2006 he graduated with a Master of Divinity and a certificate in Black Church Studies from Emory University, Atlanta, GA. He currently serves as the Pastor of Staff, Christian Education and the Ministerial Alliance at Mount Tabor Church, Pinewood Gardens, N.P., The Bahamas.
He is married to Sandena Neely (née Mortimer) and they have two children Reagan and Jevon.